Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Belated Christmas!

Well I hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas! I'm sure like mine it was busy but great! I know I'm still full from all the great food that I inhaled this Christmas..... I've got big plans for a healthy and fit New Year! (:
I have taken a little bit of time off from my computer this Christmas Break which was really nice instead of spending time with my computer....my "boyfriend" as my husband likes to call it..... I spent more time with him cuddling on the couch watching movies.... which was great!
Here is my Christmas card.... which I unfortunately didn't send out as many as I wanted due to not being able to get a good picture of my 3 wonderful children.... so the week before Christmas I tried to get there pics one more time.... and this is the best I got.... I guess when you got a photographer as a mother it just gets boring having your picture taken...as you can see by their expressions. So sorry I had big plans to send out Christmas cards to all past, present and future (that i know of clients) but just couldn't get it done in time.... maybe I'll do a HAPPY SPRING card?! (yes i am a geek)
Have a great night tomorrow night ringing in the New Year! Many Blessings to you and your family as you start 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A fun winter engagement session

Yesterday was a first for me.... I had a photography session with a couple I had never met before! This is Chris and Lisa and I will be shooting their wedding in May. We had a great time yesterday despite the cold temperatures..... I have a lot of great shots.... here are just a few!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Its been awhile....

Well I have a lot more pictures to post on the blog but just have not been able to get around to it. I hope to post some tomorrow. We had the flu bug hit home over here.... so yeah.... but all seems to be getting on the mend so that makes me very happy! :)
Till next post... I hope all is well.

p.s How is your Chirstmas shopping and decorating going? Well I'm happy to say that I've had a tree up since mid-Novemeber (hey..why not?) and excited that I have a babysitter New Years Eve..... but the Christmas shopping.... haven't started, I guess I better put that on my to do list with everything else! :)