Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Belated Christmas!

Well I hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas! I'm sure like mine it was busy but great! I know I'm still full from all the great food that I inhaled this Christmas..... I've got big plans for a healthy and fit New Year! (:
I have taken a little bit of time off from my computer this Christmas Break which was really nice instead of spending time with my computer....my "boyfriend" as my husband likes to call it..... I spent more time with him cuddling on the couch watching movies.... which was great!
Here is my Christmas card.... which I unfortunately didn't send out as many as I wanted due to not being able to get a good picture of my 3 wonderful children.... so the week before Christmas I tried to get there pics one more time.... and this is the best I got.... I guess when you got a photographer as a mother it just gets boring having your picture taken...as you can see by their expressions. So sorry I had big plans to send out Christmas cards to all past, present and future (that i know of clients) but just couldn't get it done in time.... maybe I'll do a HAPPY SPRING card?! (yes i am a geek)
Have a great night tomorrow night ringing in the New Year! Many Blessings to you and your family as you start 2009!

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