Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Coming soon!

Well i've been working hard for the last month trying to get my business really up and running. I hired someone to make a logo for me, and make templates for marketing. I also am working on getting a professional "blogsite" established. I've been wanting to do this for SO SO LONG! Instead of me having a blog and a website I am going to blend the 2 we don't have to live in 2 separate worlds. So a blogsite will have the best of both worlds. Pictures on the blog will be catagorized (engagments, weddings, babies...etc.) Also there will be a place on there where my clients will be able to view their online gallery along with ordering prints! YAH! So excited!
I just have to find time to get my blogsite up and going... Thanks to my Brother who lives in Vancouver who has all the technical knowledge to get me going! love ya bro! My brother is actually getting married on July 4th in I am very excited to see him and his wonderful fiance Hillary (its been over a year!) Also pumped about shooting a wedding in Vancouver!!

Thanks to you for your patience as I try to get this all set up! Thanks for checking out my blog.... just wait till you see the new one!

Till next post!

P.s What do you think of my new logo? It is so hard to pick a logo for your business...very overwhelming...but after much concideration and advice from friends this is what I picked....and I picked the colours too.... I think they are fun...and FUN is what I think of when I think of myself as a I thought it was fitting! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love love LOVE your logo...very cute and fun!